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Eligibility and Enrollment

1.What age group does PETRONITA Crèche serve?

PETRONITA Crèche is open to children of PETRONAS staff aged three (3) months up to six (6) years at the year of enrolment.

2. How many children would PETRONITA Crèche be able to accommodate at any one time?

PETRONITA Crèche will accommodate up to 270 children at any one time.

3. Who are eligible to apply?

Application to PETRONITA Crèche is open to all staff of PETRONAS (permanent and contract direct hire) located within Kuala Lumpur. Priority will be given to  Female staff and PETRONITA members.

4. Are non-PETRONITA members eligible to apply?

5. Is immunisation / vaccinations a mandatory requirement for enrollment?
Yes. PETRONITA Crèche WILL NOT enrol any child who has not been given immunisation / vaccination

Note: PETRONITA Crèche is unable to accept enrolment of children with special needs, as this is contingent to the Operator's license. 

6. What are the supporting documents needed for application and subsequent enrolment?

During application for placement

  1. None required

During enrolment (upon being informed of successful application)
     a.   Copy of Child's birth certificate

     b.   Copy of Vaccination record

     c.   Child's passport sized photo

     d.   Any specific diet or health requirements

7. When can we apply?

The inaugural intake for January 2020 is targeted to be opened for application on 1 September 2019 and closed on 20 September 2019. 

Application will be opened once every year in September for following year intake. 

8. What will happen if I am not successful in application for January 2020 intake?

You will be kept on a waitlist and be given first right if there is opening during the year.

9. If I miss the application deadline or only transfer to Kuala Lumpur during the school term, will I be able to apply?
For now, the application window will only be opened once a year which is in September (as per Q7), you will have to wait until the month of September to apply for placement for the following year intake. 

10. If my child has been accepted for enrolment, do I need to apply for the following year?
No. Your child will be secured in enrolment for subsequent years until you decide to discontinue.